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English Language Communication Skills Laboratory, a course for undergraduate engineering students studying at colleges affiliated to the Jawaharlal Nehru Technology University, Hyderabad, India was introduced in August 2005. The main objective of the course is to develop students' pronunciation, conversation, grammar and vocabulary. It would help not only for the rural and regional medium background students but also English medium students to improve their communication skills. Many students are in hesitation and worry to come on the dais to present a paper. In this paper I gave a detailed picture of the English lab syllabus, objectives and advantages to students by lab which make develops students' communication skills in English, the problems of the students and the role of teacher in guiding students in the English lab. The first-year Engineering English course has largely focused on Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing (LSRW) skills. Final examinations are based on only these skills. In this milieu it was decided that students should be trained in the skills which recruiters look for engineering students who prepare for on-campus recruitment. English language communication skills (ELCS) laboratory was introduced in August 2005. The main objective of the lab is to prepare the students for campus recruitment. The lab makes the students to habit of listening and speaking with accurate pronunciation. Students can record their own voice and play back for self evolution. It acts as a platform for learning, practicing and producing language skills through interactive lessons and communicative mode of teaching. Language laboratories are for drills and for listening comprehension. It is also used for consolidating the learning. Language lab may have the following objectives, purposes, functions to work upon. The components of the course are:
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Role of English Grammar to Enhance Communication Grammar is an essential ingredient to learn English effectively. Grammar plays a vital role in Written Communication. To write flawless English one should know the rules and regulations of grammar. Professional Graduate Students need to write effective English for their career perspective. The World has changed drastically so English grammar is also need to change its structure. Indian students feel difficult to follow various rules and regulations of Language. English Lexicon and its Structure were originated from The Classical Languages of Greek and Latin. The rules of the British English Language haven't changed yet. So the Global Student searches for other options. The new inventions like Internet, e-mail, show him a new path to get proficiency in English.
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