Thank You Letter To Unsuccessful Applicants: How To, Templates & Examples

Thank You Letter To Unsuccessful Applicants

Being rejected for a job you’re looking for is upsetting and can occasionally make applicants feel a little letdown. This could be due to hiring challenges, including needing more job experience.

Providing feedback after the application process is crucial to avoid conflicts between the recruiter and applicants. As shown by the job process statistics, 53% of applicants shared that they haven’t received any response from employers 3 months after applying at the company, and almost 63% of applicants complained that most employers do not communicate adequately.

How To Show Appreciation To Unsuccessful Applicants

Even though they were not chosen for the post, there are a few methods to thank unsuccessful applicants:

  1. Send a personalized feedback letter or email: While it might not be possible to provide each unsuccessful applicant with a particular input, a personalized rejection letter or email can express thanks for their time and effort in applying and acknowledge their interest in the position.
  2. Provide honest suggestions: If you can explain in detail why the applicant was passed over, that will aid them in future job searches. It’s crucial to give this feedback openly and respectfully.
  3. Keep their application on file: If the unsuccessful candidate is a good fit for upcoming openings, consider keeping their application on file and getting in touch with them when a position matching their qualifications becomes available.
  4. Provide them with other options: If you are aware of any job openings or other opportunities for which the unsuccessful applicant could be a good fit, think about providing them with these opportunities.
  5. Thank them for their interest: It’s necessary to thank applicants for their interest, regardless of whether or not they were hired for the position.

What Is It?

An email sent to someone who applied for a job or other opportunity but has not yet been chosen for the position is referred to as a “thank you letter for unsuccessful applicants.” With the help of this letter, you can thank the candidate for their time and effort in applying and offer them helpful feedback or pointers for future job searches.

Why Is It Important?

There are several reasons why it is important to send a thank you letter to unsuccessful applicants:

Writing Guidelines

  1. Keep it brief: A thank you letter to unsuccessful applicants should be brief and to the point, expressing appreciation for the applicant’s time and effort in applying and providing any relevant feedback or guidance.
  2. Personalize it: A personalized thank you letter is more meaningful and shows that the applicant’s application was given careful consideration. Use the applicant’s name and reference the specific position for which they applied.
  3. Be honest and respectful: While providing constructive feedback, it is also important to be honest, and respectful in your language and tone. Avoid using vague or generic phrases and focus on specific areas for improvement.
  4. Offer guidance and support: A thank you letter can guide and support the applicant’s future job searches. This could include suggestions for improving their resume or cover letter or connecting them with other resources or opportunities.
  5. Keep the door open for future opportunities: If the applicant is a strong fit for future positions at the company, consider expressing interest in keeping their application on file and reaching out to them if a suitable opening becomes available.
  6. Proofread and edit: Before sending the thank you letter, proofread and edit it for spelling and grammar errors. A well-written letter will demonstrate professionalism and attention to detail.

Templates of Thank You Letter To Unsuccessful Applicants

Template #1

Dear (Name of the Applicant),

Thank you for being interested in the (Position) at (Company). We appreciate the time and effort you took to apply for this opportunity and to prepare for the interview.

Unfortunately, after careful consideration, we have decided to move forward with other candidates for this position. While we were impressed with your qualifications and experience, we ultimately determined that another candidate would better fit the role.

We understand that receiving a rejection letter can be disappointing, and we want to assure you that this decision was not taken lightly. We encourage you to continue pursuing your career goals and to keep us in mind for future opportunities that may be a good fit for your skills and experience.

Thank you again for your interest in (Company). We wish you the best of luck in your future endeavors.

Template #2

Dear (Name of the Applicant),

We appreciate you taking the time to speak with our staff about the (job description) position at (company name). It was wonderful to hear more about your qualifications and achievements.

Sadly, our group did not decide to keep you in mind for more consideration.

I want to mention that there is always fierce competition for jobs at (company name) and that we frequently have to make difficult decisions between many qualified individuals. We will keep your resume on file for future postings that better match your profile now that we have had the opportunity to get to know you.

If you have any specific inquiries regarding your application or interviews, I would be pleased to address them.

We again appreciate your interest in (company name), and we wish you well in your job search.

Template #3

Dear (Name of the Applicant),

We value your time applying for the (role title) vacancy and your interest in (business name).

Although we ultimately chose another applicant, we want to thank you for speaking with our staff and allowing us to learn more about your qualifications.

In the upcoming months, we will advertise more vacancies. We sincerely hope you’ll keep us in mind and urge you to apply again.

We wish you luck as you look for a job and move forward.

Template #4

Hi (Name of the Applicant),

I want to express my gratitude for your interest in the (Position) at (business name) and the time you invested in the interview. We regret to inform you that we will not be giving the position to you. Your educational background is excellent, but we have chosen a candidate with more practical experience. Your résumé will be kept on file, and if any other openings occur, we’ll keep you in mind. We hope you will submit a new application once you have obtained some experience through volunteering or in another job role (company name).

I appreciate you taking the time, showing interest, and making an effort on behalf of (business name), and I wish you luck in your future professional pursuits.

Please feel free to contact me if you have any inquiries (contact number).

Template #5

Hello (Name of the Applicant),

We appreciate your interest in working at (company name). Unfortunately, we only needed one intern, yet there were many applicants. We’re writing to let you know that your application for an internship was turned down after a rigorous selection process.

We chose to move on with a different candidate because (reason for rejection). Because of this, that applicant was more suitable for our current opening.

In the summer, when we’ll employ three interns, we strongly encourage you to apply for another position. Contact us at any time if you have any questions or concerns.

Wrap Up

In conclusion, writing a thank you letter to unsuccessful applicants is a considerate approach to expressing gratitude and respect for them. It can also help you keep in touch with them in the future.

Making a thank you letter with candid feedback and suggestions for unsuccessful candidates helps ease the disappointment and may act as a learning experience for the applicant to move forward and improve.

Include gratitude for the unsuccessful applicants to prevent disappointment and bad feelings. MailToSelf knows the readers’ needs when sending a thank you letter to unsuccessful applicants. Well, our website prepared a lot of posts that are very helpful for employment purposes.